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Distance learning: In a first, surgery streamed live over the Internet PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 23 March 2011 23:16

altRAWALPINDI: For the first time in Pakistan, an interactive surgery was broadcast over the internet to help educate surgeons and surgical students from various medical colleges and hospitals across the country.

Disabled people get learning boost PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 19 March 2011 15:48

SHANGHAI Open University yesterday launched a special faculty for the disabled to meet their educational needs.

The newly launched faculty will be mainly based on distance-learning technology, but face-to-face instruction is also available at the university.

High School 2.0 PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 20 January 2011 21:56

altOn picture: A studio interview with Stuart Baker, coordinator of TUSD's only online school, and parent Edward Kile.

The state legislature's new proposed budget, released last Friday puts education on the chopping block, with anticipated cuts up to $83.7 million.

Grant for Distance Learning removes classroom walls PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 19 February 2011 00:24

Jefferson, Brandon, Evansville and Osakis high schools will share in a $333,008 federal grant to upgrade interactive video technology equipment used in Distance Learning.

During a news conference at Osakis High School last Thursday, Colleen Landkamer, state director of USDA Rural Development, awarded a Distance Learning grant to 10 area school districts – they’re all part of a group called Central Minnesota Educational Telecommunications System (CMETS).

Technology improving distance learning PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 04 January 2011 05:44

Advances in technology are helping expand and improve the quality of distance education in Iowa.

Today, the virtual distance education classroom includes automatic voice- and motion-activated 360-degree or double-mount video cameras, and software that presents visual, audio, slideshow presentations, real-time instructor notes and personal space for student notes on the student's desktop computer screen.


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