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How to Maximize an Online Education Program PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 18 April 2010 11:27

Interested in learning about how to select an online program, how to successfully complete an online degree or certificate program, and how to effectively sell the online degree to a future employer?

7 Reasons Why Distance Learning Rocks PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 30 March 2010 00:32

altDistance learning continues to grow and is now an option at more than two-thirds of all institutions of higher education offering at least a two-year degree. Indeed, 88 percent of public universities offer credit-granting distance education courses according to a 2006-07 survey conducted by the United States Department of Education — National Center for Education Statistics, the last year such a survey was conducted.

Education walls may crumble PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 22 January 2010 21:38
As several areas of American society are slowly reshaped by technology, education is one of those already seeing its influence. Though classroom learning is not likely to be replaced, the walls between localized and distance learning may one day disappear.
Watertown campus offers life-like distance learning PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 01 February 2010 01:37

Distance learning has taken on a whole new meaning at Madison College-Watertown campus. A new technology is allowing teachers and students over 30 miles away seem as though they're physically in the same room.

On picture: Students at Madison College-Watertown campus are pictured above during a class using the new TelePresence technology. Seated from left, are Heather Zoellick, of Watertown; Lisa Tenerelli, of Reeseville; and Marilyn Martin, of Helenville. Their teacher Kris Held, in Fort Atkinson, is pictured on the far right screen. Other classmates in Fort Atkinson are also pictured on the other screens. (TERESA STOWELL/Daily Times)

U.S. Distance Learning Association Calls on FCC to Focus Reform Efforts on Innovation and Expansion PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 18 January 2010 02:17

The U.S. Distance Learning Association issued a response today with the Federal Communications Commission urging the commissioners to expand access to affordable, high-speed broadband service for thousands of Americans who rely on internet access for educational opportunities. They also warned the commission that efforts to implement net neutrality and impose additional regulations would put broadband expansion efforts at risk.


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