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Study Abroad Programs Resume in Japan PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 28 April 2011 20:10

A number of American universities are resuming their study abroad programs in Japan now that the U.S. State Department has modified its travel warning to the disaster-struck country, reports the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Get a degree by blended learning PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 20 April 2011 06:39


Blended learning – combining face-to-face sessions with online work and forums – is one of the fastest-growing trends in education.

On picture: Melanie Liley has graduated with a degree in business studies after five years of juggling studies with a full-time job. Photograph: Martin Godwin.

Utah State University to construct new building for distance learning PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 07 April 2011 21:57

altConstruction of a new Regional Campuses and Distance Education building on Utah State University’s Logan campus is scheduled to start early spring.

The new building will house RCDE offices and state-of-the-art distance education classrooms. A formal groundbreaking is planned for May 2011. The estimated completion is summer 2012. The building will be located at 700 north, between the Lillywhite and Industrial Science buildings.

At more colleges, computers are replacing classrooms PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 18 April 2011 21:34

Taking an online class is no longer a novelty on college campuses, no longer the sole domain of long-distance learners sitting in their living rooms in between jobs and kids.

More college students than ever before are demanding it as an option when they register for classes - even traditional students who live on campus. Many are mixing online and conventional classes for convenience or as a way to avoid getting locked out of an overbooked course.

GULF STATES: Virtual universities on the rise PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 03 April 2011 23:31

altE-universities are proliferating in the Gulf States with a number of new projects aimed at improved technology transfer, narrowing the digital divide and facilitating access to knowledge.

Saudi Arabia has unveiled plans to set up an electronic university in partnership with internationally renowned distance learning institutions, in a bid to create an environment that is favourable to e-learning.


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