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E-Learning: An analysis of the processes, benefits and the future PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 30 May 2011 21:00

altE-Learning is the delivery of learning and training using electronic media, for example: using computers, internet, and intranet. In principle, e-learning is a kind of distance learning; learning materials can be accessed from the web or CD via a computer, and tutors and learners can communicate with each other using e-mail or discussion forums.

Government works for distance learning implementation PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 17 May 2011 20:33

Angola, Luanda. The Angolan Government has been working for the implementation of distance learning in the country, soon, the minister of Education, Mpinda Simão, has announced. The initiative will start from conception of a national policy that meets this demand, said the minister, who was speaking at the opening of a workshop on advocacy of distance learning.

4 Reasons Online Classes Are Infiltrating College Campuses PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 03 May 2011 20:38

altUsed to be that online college classes and distance learning were the sole domain of those who had to juggle family and career WHILE going to school. But now online classes are showing up on college campuses just as much as co-eds. Why would that be? Don’t students physically go to college just so they can attend class and look the instructor square in the eye?

8 Celebrities Who Went to College Online PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 03 May 2011 21:06

altEverybody’s busy. If you’re trying to juggle family and career, there are only so many hours in a day, regardless of where you work. This really presents a problem if you decide to go back to school, because now you have to add yet ONE MORE thing to your already overloaded day.

Zimbabwe: Public Libraries Aid Universities PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 02 May 2011 11:37

After achieving independence in 1980, Zimbabwe has made tremendous progress in many fields. In 1980, there was only one university, the University of Zimbabwe, whereas today there are twelve. This is no mean feat.


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