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Home News Study Abroad Programs Resume in Japan
Study Abroad Programs Resume in Japan PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 28 April 2011 20:10

A number of American universities are resuming their study abroad programs in Japan now that the U.S. State Department has modified its travel warning to the disaster-struck country, reports the Chronicle of Higher Education.

The University of Michigan announced that it will move ahead with its spring and summer Japan programs, and the University of Missouri says it will resume its summer program there.

Temple University's Japan campus also resumed classes this month, though many students who left the country plan on finishing their courses using distance-learning technologies or on the main campus in Philadelphia.

On April 14, the department eased its travel restriction, strongly urging U.S. citizens to remain outside the 50-mile radius around the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant.

By Michelle Cormier
Source: aacrao.org/transcript


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Home News Study Abroad Programs Resume in Japan