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Home News Disabled people get learning boost
Disabled people get learning boost PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 19 March 2011 15:48

SHANGHAI Open University yesterday launched a special faculty for the disabled to meet their educational needs.

The newly launched faculty will be mainly based on distance-learning technology, but face-to-face instruction is also available at the university.

The disabled have limited access to higher education in the city and many have a poor educational background.

The city has about 942,000 disabled people and only 47,500 hold college degrees or above.

Moreover, only 138,800 of them have high-school degrees or vocational school degrees.

The online training and degree program are expected to help the disabled increase their competitiveness in the job market. The first batch of 592 disabled students started their classes yesterday.

Shanghai Disabled Persons' Federation will subsidize tuition and scholarships will be offered to disabled students.

By Even Liang
Source: shanghaidaily.com


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Home News Disabled people get learning boost