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Home News First online MBA programme worldwide with focus on Renewable Energy
First online MBA programme worldwide with focus on Renewable Energy PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 24 June 2011 00:15

GERMANY, BERLIN. Students can apply now for the Distance Learning Programme "MBA Renewables". In October 2011 the Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, in cooperation with the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC), will start a new Master of Business Administration (MBA). The “MBA Renewables” will be the first distance learning programme worldwide with the opportunity to obtain a Master of Business Administration degree with a focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency.

The MBA Renewables has been developed for professionals who are aiming at a management position in the worldwide booming renewable energy markets. The programme covers economic, technical, legal, political and organizational knowledge, which is tailored to the specific needs of the renewable energy branches. Imparting advanced interdisciplinary management skills is part of the MBA schedule; these are preconditions for working in executive positions in the highly globalised markets of renewable energy technologies.

Solving complex business tasks along the value chain of renewable energies will be an important part of the programme. It will also provide an overview of various renewable energy technologies, their applications and advantages. Other important aspects are the understanding of international energy policies and support mechanisms for renewable energy technologies, the complexity of renewable energy markets, business development, as well as the crucial interrelation of economics and politics and how to use them profitably in industry.

The Master programme is designed to suit people who would like to study online on a part-time basis, i.e. alongside their jobs. They will benefit from an innovative blended-learning approach: the modules will be taught in a mix of self-study, online lectures and tutorials, virtual interactions, group work and international networking, a voluntary practical training in Berlin and exchange of experience with fellow students from many countries.

Deadline for registration is September 1, 2011. Please note that places are limited.

About RENAC: RENAC is an international provider of trainings on renewable energies. The Berlin-based company offers open seminars, customer-specific trainings and educational services for solar, wind, bioenergy and energy efficiency technologies. MBA Renewables is the second Master programme RENAC offers in cooperation with a public university.

About Beuth University: The Beuth University of Applied Sciences is a public university located in the heart of Berlin, offering more than 72 different Bachelor and Master study programmes in the fields of engineering, life sciences and business administration for more than 10,000 students.

More information is available at http://www.beuth-hochschule.de/renewables/

Source: renewableenergyworld.com



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Home News First online MBA programme worldwide with focus on Renewable Energy