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Home News 26th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning
26th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 17 October 2009 15:21

Clip_20August 3-6, 2010, Madison, Wisconsin

Sponsored by University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Continuing Studies

The Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning, founded in 1985, is recognized internationally for the quality and integrity of its program. Participants benefit from the multitude of presentations and numerous networking opportunities to exchange current resources, research, and best practices from around the world.

Call for Proposals will be available in mid-November

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Past participants say ...

"It was amazing the number of ideas that I brought back that I can implement in the classes I teach. There is nothing like the validation you get from interacting with other instructors who have similar ideas and issues. This is a great opportunity to improve your teaching."

Pat Hoffman
New Mexico State University

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2009 Keynote and Forum recordings available (video links below)

Michael Moore

The scholarship of distance education:
A story of which we can be proud!

Michael Moore, Pennsylvania State University
Keynote description

Judith Boettcher

Remembering forward: Scenarios for the

future of distance teaching and learning button

Judith Boettcher, DesigningforLearning.com and University of Florida
Keynote description

Teemu Arina

In the age of real-time: The complex, social,

and serendipitous learning offered via the Web button

Teemu Arina, Dicole Ltd.
Keynote description

2009 Forums

Research and educational Forums on Thursday and Friday provided in-depth and interactive experiences with experts in the field.

Forum descriptions

"Learning at the Back Door: Reflections on Non-Traditional Learning in a Lifespan"

by Charles A. Wedemeyer e-book information

Conference Location

The conference is held at the Monona Terrace Convention Center along Lake Monona in beautiful Madison, Wisconsin. The setting is near several large hotels, unique restaurants, the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus, and walking/exercise paths.

Source: http://www.uwex.edu/disted/conference/


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Home News 26th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning