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Home Directory Organizations Kaplan Open Learning

Kaplan Open Learning

United Kingdom, West Yorkshire, Leeds, West One 114 Wellington Street LS1 1BA
+44 113 388 8888
18 October 2009
01 May 2011

Kaplan Open Learning is part of Kaplan, Inc. a leading international provider of education and career services and a subsidiary of The Washington Post Company (NYSE: WPO). Kaplan, Inc., has 31,000 employees in 600 locations worldwide. We reach over one million students around the globe.

Kaplan Open Learning is our specialist UK online higher education division. Kaplan Open Learning (Essex) Limited ("KOL") has been established as an affiliate college of the University of Essex. The College provides university level education, offering programmes of study for students who wish to obtain a university Foundation Degree or top up that degree to an Honours Degree. This model complements Kaplan's other UK university affiliate colleges where we work with leading universities including Glasgow University, University of Sheffield, University of Liverpool and Nottingham Trent University.

If you are working full or part time, our online Foundation Degree courses will provide you with a flexible means of achieving a UK university qualification. If you are working full or part time, our online Foundation Degree courses will provide you with a flexible means of achieving a UK university qualification.

Whether you're thinking about promotion, a career change or starting your own business, with Kaplan Open Learning you could soon be making that important step.

Entry to the course is not dependent on A levels or any equivalent qualifications, as we also take into consideration your previous work experience. All you need is access to the internet. The programme of study is completely flexible, and the scheme is assessed through a combination of work-based learning and specialist subject areas.

Financially supported by the Higher Education Funding Council for England, and with expert tutors to help you at every step of the way, we hope our online Foundation Degrees at Kaplan Open Learning can help play an important part in building your future.

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Home Directory Organizations Kaplan Open Learning